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HUESKER Synthetic BV
Kievitsven 108
5249 JK Rosmalen

Buitenring Parkstad Limburg megaproject

Buitenring Parkstad Limburg is one of the largest transport and infrastructure projects in the province of Limburg. In order to construct structures such as bridge abutments and noise barriers quickly, sustainably and safely in the long term, environmentally friendly construction was carried out here using Fortrac Systems / Geogrid Reinforced Soil (GRS). A total of 39 structures were built with Fortrac reinforced soil in this major project. Advantages: Locally available soil can be used as building material, lower transport costs, less CO2 emissions and lower energy consumption than with conventional construction methods, low space requirements, high flexibility in execution and short construction times. We are proud to be part of this major project and look forward to many more projects of this kind with our customers and partners.

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