Shaping the future
...Shaping the future
Our mission for more than 160 years
Major undertakings need the right philosophy
...Major undertakings need the right philosophy
Humankind sets its sights high. Its ambitions sometimes stretch our imagination to the limit and awake the explorer in us – while also providing inspiration for the team at HUESKER. We relish demanding projects that allow us to demonstrate our expertise and ingenuity in delivering results that thrill our customers.
We are regularly confronted with the stiffest challenges, which we duly accept as our mission. These missions are then accomplished through supreme feats of engineering and the application of outstanding production technologies.
More than
... destined for Mars have been launched since space
travel began. Although none of these were manned,
Mars visionaries have already drawn up ambitious plans
for “terraforming” the planet in preparation for its colonisation
in as little as a thousand years’ time. The
foundations for this will already be laid in the coming decades.
Progress through innovation
...Progress through innovation
Our products undergo decades-long exposure to a wide range of exogenous actions that test their performance and durability. How do we go about making our products and materials – which are routinely subject to the severest of loads – fit to endure extreme environmental conditions?
We carry out a broad based programme of research that covers everything from raw materials to the potential offered by sensor systems.
Our continuous investigations into new fields of application, underpinned by the scientific research conducted by our engineers, thus culminate in the creation of unique, patented system solutions that are custom-engineered to meet the requirements of our age.
Temperature fluctuations of
… are factors to be reckoned with. Extreme
temperatures, winds and landscapes are typical
of Mars. Here, Charles Darwin’s concept of the
“survival of the fittest” takes on a whole new
Intelligent geotechnics = top class engineers
...Intelligent geotechnics = top class engineers
Our projects are governed by numerous factors, most of which are on our radar. Our decades-long track record in the vast field of geotechnics provides us with an in-depth understanding of the associated challenges and enables us to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles by developing efficient solutions.
We live ‘excellence’ and relentlessly strive to improve our products so that we can excite our customers even more. Our ingenuity in delivering solutions makes us your partner of choice in shaping the future, not just by forward thinking, but also by forward-thinking action.
gravity and...
... 6 millibar atmospheric pressure. The seventh
successful Mars landing saw Curiosity touch down on
the planet’s surface. The rover is designed both to cope
with and investigate the conditions on the red planet.
Agriculture and industry – evolution of civilisation
...Agriculture and industry – evolution of civilisation
Our lives are heavily dictated by developments in agriculture and industry, both of which are fundamental to our urbanised societies. HUESKER offers system solutions in the fields of automotive manufacturing, aviation, industrial shed construction and transportation, to name but a few. Here, our products impress by features such as low weight, high stability and cost-effectiveness.
In the agricultural sector, our system solutions cater for a variety of applications. We offer all-in, networked livestock building ventilation systems that have been shown to maximise both human and animal comfort.
In the area of agricultural engineering we offer systems for biogas, emission control, concrete and silo protection applications, and much more. Our technical textiles hold unlimited potential.
years ...
… the first Mars base could be up and
running. Utopia or reality? In any
case, a fascinating vision.
Using smart textiles to tap the unthinkable
...Using smart textiles to tap the unthinkable
Mission impossible? There is often only a fine line between the possible and the impossible. Only those who have regularly experienced the impossible becoming reality are not deterred by the seemingly unthinkable. That is why we never relent in our efforts to develop our company and refine our solutions.
To make our technical textiles fit for the future, we are equipping them with integral measurement systems and thereby enabling them to contribute positively to the progressive digitalisation that is shaping our world. And we have only just begun. In the laboratory, our measurement system R&D continues – all with the aim of achieving provements, boosting efficiency and reducing weight, while increasing stability, flexibility, sustainability and smart functionality.
high mountains …
... still represent inconceivable dimensions for
the human mind. But should we still be thinking
inside our familiar box? Should the present
serve as our only compass when we develop
visions for more distant objectives? The fact
is that what was unthinkable yesterday is
today often normality.
We are an international team
...We are an international team
Columbia, Atlantis, Discovery – all names with strong connotations, all evocative of the spirit of exploration. And successful missions need a passionate and experienced team. In opening up new horizons, we can draw on an international team of experts. We are the first port of call for many companies requiring services in our business areas and we cultivate close working relationships with all project team members. We partner our customers in developing ideal solutions in the shortest possible time.
We are therefore delighted at the enormous international recognition conferred by the professional community on HUESKER, as a consultant and development partner on an equal footing.
... i.e. each person is decisive for the results of the
team. Because each team member contributes his
or her own special expertise and each individual is
wholeheartedly committed to the mission.
We accept responsibility
...We accept responsibility
Despite the thrill of fathoming new possibilities, adopting a dependable, down-to-earth approach remains our key priority. Although Mars exercises a tremendous fascination, the earth remains our home. This is where our present and our future lie.
Now, more than ever before, humankind must accept its responsibility to treat our planet and environment with respect. Sustainability projects in support of environmental protection are also part and parcel of our in-house operations. Our ISO 14001 certification demonstrates our commitment to eco-friendly production.
Who knows where our path will take us. Perhaps, at some time in the future, we really will set foot on new worlds, where new questions will need new answers. We are ready to find those answers.
We have understood our mission.
More than
years ago…
... that manned space travel began. It still
exerts the same fascination, and new goals
and missions will continue to enthral