Detailafbeelding van Stabilenka geofabricage toont multifilament vezels met hoge treksterkte en hoge sterkte
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HUESKER Synthetic BV
Kievitsven 108
5249 JK Rosmalen


Het sterkste wapeningsweefsel ter wereld

Stabilenka is met sterktes tot 2.800 kN/m, een ultramoderne weeftechnologie en bewezen resistentie tegen microbiologische, chemische en fysische inwerking tot 120 jaar, één van de best presterende geweven wapeningsproducten ter wereld. Het geotextiel met hoge treksterkte is in staat om aan de meest uitdagende ontwerpeisen te voldoen en combineert drie functies in één product: wapening, scheiding en filtratie. In tegenstelling tot veel alternatieve wapeningsproducten, is Stabilenka wapeningsweefsel gemaakt van speciaal multifilamentgaren, waarmee stijfheidsmoduli van meer dan 45.000 kN/m kunnen worden bereikt. Naast Stabilenka (PET) is ook Stabilenka Xtreme (PVA) verkrijgbaar, dat wordt gekenmerkt door een uitstekende bestendigheid in sterk alkalische omgevingen met pH-waarden tot 13.


  • Hoge treksterktes tot 2.800 kN/m (uniaxiaal) en 1.400 kN/m (biaxiaal)

  • Geweven doek voor versterking, scheiding en filtratie

  • Hoge trekstijfheid bij lage kruip

  • Stijfheidsmoduli van meer dan 45.000 kN/m

  • Hoge duurzaamheid in bodems met pH-waarden van 2 tot 13

  • Op maat gemaakte sterktes, rollengtes en legplannen

  • Bewezen resistentie tot 120 jaar

  • Goedkeuringen: BBA, IVG, NorGeoSpec, EPD

Stabilenka is een gedeponeerd handelsmerk van HUESKER Synthetic GmbH.

Product varianten


Product description

Boasting a product history of over 50 years, Stabilenka enjoys the distinction of being one of the world’s first ever
reinforcement geotextiles. Due to the raw material used (PET) and modules of more than 25,000 kN/m, the
geotextile product offers high tensile stiffness coupled with a low creep tendency. Our Stabilenka geotextile reduces
deformations of the structure under permanently high loads. Stabilenka exhibits an extremely low creep strain of less
than 1% when subjected to a permanent load equal to 50% of the short-term strength after the construction phase.
The use of Stabilenka on subgrades with low bearing capacity thus eli­minates the need for soil replacement,
conventional soil stabilisation measures and long consolidation times that delay the progress of the works. In addition
to standard stock products, we are also happy to assist with tailored solutions for you.


  • Unmatched tensile strengths of up to 2,500 kN/m (uniaxial) and 1,000 kN/m (biaxial)
  • Moduli exceeding 25,000 kN/m
  • High tensile stiffness coupled with low creep
  • High resistance to microbiological, chemical and physical action
  • Reliable solution for very weak soils
  • Customised strengths, roll lengths and placement plans
  • High durability in soils with pH values of 2 to 9



  • Embankments on Soft Soil
  • Geotextile-encased columns
  • Land reclamation
  • Sludge lagoon capping

Stabilenka Xtreme

Product description

Stabilenka Xtreme is an extremely rigid, creep-resistant and alkali-resistant geotextile. You can use it as reinforcement
in the ground when conventional products or raw materials no longer meet the high project-specific requirements.
These include, for example, a strict limitation of deformations or very high and low pH values in the soil. Due to the raw
materials used (PVA/PP) and modules of more than 45,000 kN/m, our reinforcement fabric offers very high tensile stiffness
coupled with low creep tendency, thereby reducing structural deformation under high long term loads. The use of
Stabilenka Xtreme on subgrades with low bearing capacity thus eli­minates the need for soil replacement, conventional soil
stabilisation measures and long consolidation times that delay the progress of the works. In addition, you can also use our
Stabilenka Xtreme geotextile in highly alkaline environments with pH values of up to 13. In addition to standard stock
products, we are also happy to assist with tailored solutions for you.


  • Unmatched tensile strengths of up to 2,800 kN/m (uniaxial) and 1,400 kN/m (biaxial)
  • Moduli exceeding 45,000 kN/m
  • High tensile stiffness coupled with low creep
  • High resistance to microbiological, chemical and physical action
  • Reliable solution for very weak soils
  • Customised strengths, roll lengths and placement plans
  • High durability in soils with pH values of 2 to 13



  • Embankments on Soft Soil
  • Geotextile-encased columns
  • Land reclamation
  • Sludge lagoon capping


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